Senator Justice's voting record

Vote Date Description My Vote Vote Result
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Reed Amdt. No. 172; To create a point of order against legislation that would reduce Medicare and Medicaid benefits for Americans.
(Y:49 N:51)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Baldwin Amdt. No. 276; To create a point of order against legislation that would take away health care from seniors, including those receiving care in nursing homes, through cuts to the Medicaid program.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Wyden Amdt. No. 1156; To prevent millions of Americans from being kicked off their health coverage, suffering needlessly, getting sicker, and dying sooner.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Amendment
Ossoff Amdt. No. 407; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting access to maternal and pediatric health care through Medicaid.
(Y:49 N:51)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Schumer Amdt. No. 776; To prevent tax cuts for the wealthy if a single dollar of Medicaid funding is cut.
(Y:49 N:51)
On the Amendment
Sullivan Amdt. No. 1029; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting Medicare and Medicaid.
Agreed to
(Y:51 N:49)
On the Amendment
Schiff Amdt. No. 316; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to supporting Federal wildland firefighters and associated personnel.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Amendment
Bennet Amdt. No. 540; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to reinstating the fired Federal employees at the Forest Service, National Park Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Land Management.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Hickenlooper Amdt. No. 925; To create a point of order against legislation that would raise energy costs for Americans, including higher monthly electricity bills, building material expenses, and transportation costs.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Amendment
Murray Amdt. No. 878; To strike the reconciliation instructions and create a reserve fund to implement a bipartisan, multi-year agreement to provide up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for defense and up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for other programs, accounts, and activities to address border, veterans, farmers, food and nutrition, disaster relief, and other needs.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Reed Amdt. No. 172; To create a point of order against legislation that would reduce Medicare and Medicaid benefits for Americans.
(Y:49 N:51)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Baldwin Amdt. No. 276; To create a point of order against legislation that would take away health care from seniors, including those receiving care in nursing homes, through cuts to the Medicaid program.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Wyden Amdt. No. 1156; To prevent millions of Americans from being kicked off their health coverage, suffering needlessly, getting sicker, and dying sooner.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Amendment
Ossoff Amdt. No. 407; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting access to maternal and pediatric health care through Medicaid.
(Y:49 N:51)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Schumer Amdt. No. 776; To prevent tax cuts for the wealthy if a single dollar of Medicaid funding is cut.
(Y:49 N:51)
On the Amendment
Sullivan Amdt. No. 1029; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting Medicare and Medicaid.
(Y:51 N:49)
On the Amendment
Schiff Amdt. No. 316; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to supporting Federal wildland firefighters and associated personnel.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Amendment
Bennet Amdt. No. 540; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to reinstating the fired Federal employees at the Forest Service, National Park Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Land Management.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Hickenlooper Amdt. No. 925; To create a point of order against legislation that would raise energy costs for Americans, including higher monthly electricity bills, building material expenses, and transportation costs.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Amendment
Murray Amdt. No. 878; To strike the reconciliation instructions and create a reserve fund to implement a bipartisan, multi-year agreement to provide up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for defense and up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for other programs, accounts, and activities to address border, veterans, farmers, food and nutrition, disaster relief, and other needs.
(Y:47 N:53)