Senator Justice's voting record
Vote Date | Description | My Vote | Vote Result |
02-20-2025 |
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Hickenlooper Amdt. No. 925; To create a point of order against legislation that would raise energy costs for Americans, including higher monthly electricity bills, building material expenses, and transportation costs.
Nay |
(Y:47 N:53)
02-20-2025 |
On the Amendment
Murray Amdt. No. 878; To strike the reconciliation instructions and create a reserve fund to implement a bipartisan, multi-year agreement to provide up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for defense and up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for other programs, accounts, and activities to address border, veterans, farmers, food and nutrition, disaster relief, and other needs.
Nay |
(Y:47 N:53)
02-20-2025 |
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Warner Amdt. No. 130; To create a point of order against any reconciliation bill that would not decrease the cost of housing for American families.
Nay |
(Y:47 N:53)
02-20-2025 |
On the Amendment
Merkley Amdt. No. 473; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the impacts of hedge fund ownership of single-family homes and rent prices.
Nay |
(Y:48 N:52)
02-20-2025 |
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Klobuchar Amdt. No. 494; To stop tax cuts for the ultra-rich while families struggle to put food on the table.
Nay |
(Y:48 N:52)
02-20-2025 |
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Schumer Amdt. No. 454; To prevent unwarranted tax cuts for the ultra-rich.
Nay |
(Y:47 N:52)
02-20-2025 |
On the Nomination
Confirmation: Kashyap Patel, of Nevada, to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Yea |
(Y:51 N:49)
02-20-2025 |
On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Kashyap Patel to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Yea |
Agreed to
(Y:51 N:47)
02-19-2025 |
On the Nomination
Confirmation: Kelly Loeffler, of Georgia, to be Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Yea |
(Y:52 N:46)
02-18-2025 |
On the Motion to Proceed
Motion to Proceed to S.Con.Res. 7; An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2025 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026 through 2034.
Yea |
Agreed to
(Y:50 N:47)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Hickenlooper Amdt. No. 925; To create a point of order against legislation that would raise energy costs for Americans, including higher monthly electricity bills, building material expenses, and transportation costs.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Amendment
Murray Amdt. No. 878; To strike the reconciliation instructions and create a reserve fund to implement a bipartisan, multi-year agreement to provide up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for defense and up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for other programs, accounts, and activities to address border, veterans, farmers, food and nutrition, disaster relief, and other needs.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Warner Amdt. No. 130; To create a point of order against any reconciliation bill that would not decrease the cost of housing for American families.
(Y:47 N:53)
On the Amendment
Merkley Amdt. No. 473; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the impacts of hedge fund ownership of single-family homes and rent prices.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Klobuchar Amdt. No. 494; To stop tax cuts for the ultra-rich while families struggle to put food on the table.
(Y:48 N:52)
On the Motion
Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Schumer Amdt. No. 454; To prevent unwarranted tax cuts for the ultra-rich.
(Y:47 N:52)
On the Nomination
Confirmation: Kashyap Patel, of Nevada, to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(Y:51 N:49)
On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Kashyap Patel to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(Y:51 N:47)
On the Nomination
Confirmation: Kelly Loeffler, of Georgia, to be Administrator of the Small Business Administration
(Y:52 N:46)